Our jointing teams carry out a range of services which include new XLPE cables and old paper insulated cables.
Our LV Jointing Services include
Mains straights
Mains breeches
Mains – service breeches
Mains pot ends
Service potends
Pole terminations
LV end box terminations
Service straight joints
Cut out replacement (Live & Dead)
Metal clad cut out replacement (Live & Dead)
street lighting and unmetered connections
11 KV Jointing
Our HV jointing teams carry out a range of 11Kv joints on both new style XLPE cables and older paper insulated cables both pilc and picas.
Services Included -
Straight, trifurcating
Branch and loop joints
Indoor/ Outdoor terminations
250 amp elbow terminations
Guroflex terminations & pot end joints
33 KV Jointing
Our 33 KV jointing teams carry out a range of 33KV joints on both new style XLPE cables and older paper insulated cables
Services Include
Straight/trifurcating Joints
Indoor/ Outdoor terminations
Pfisterer terminations
400 amp elbow terminations
Guroflex terminations & pot end joints